3 Treatment Options for Stress Incontinence in Women

Stress incontinence in women happens when you leak urine in between trips to the bathroom.   These leaks usually happen when sneezing, coughing, laughing, or even sexual intercourse, all of which can cause stress to your lower urinary tract—hence “stress”...

Treatment Options for Stress Incontinence in Women

Stress incontinence is one of the most common types of incontinence for women. This could be due to the fact that women give birth, and therefore their pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder and urethra are more likely to be weakened. Fortunately, stress...

Causes of Female Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence If you’re like a lot of women who come to our office, you tend to avoid some great activities because you leak urine or need to stay close to a bathroom. There’s no need to limit your life. Most causes of urinary incontinence can be...

7 Ways Women Can Treat Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence in women is more than just a medical problem. Any women suffering from urinary incontinence also knows that this disease effects them emotionally, psychologically, and puts restraints and limits on their lives. Many women with urinary incontinence...

What is Urinary Incontinence?

It’s nobody’s favorite topic for discussion, but urinary incontinence, or the accidental leaking of urine, happens to over 15 million american adults. Though many people are too embarrassed to talk about urinary incontinence, and suffer in silence with the emotional...